Onboarding, Upskilling & Reskilling, Continuous learning ?

Do you have a plan to keep your technical skills up to date?


Accompany companies and their teams in the management of their technical skills, co-create with them in an agile way tailor-made onboarding, reskilling or upskilling programmes and monitor them through indicators in order to enable them to have enough autonomous people capable of being actors in the energy transition.

Would you like to set up indicators that will enable you to measure, forecast and monitor the skills of your teams?

Would you like to set up an onboarding program that integrates the technical skills to be acquired?

Do you want to support your teams and increase the development of their technical skills when they have to reorient or face rapid change?


Data Driven - Team Learning - Systemic - Agile - Long Run.

Energy Utilities & Technologies sector expect that 30% of reskilling/upskilling needs will take more than 1 year.

World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2020


Rue de la Hestre, 36 7100 La Louvière Belgique TVA BE 0789-213-279 IBAN BE38 0689 4588 0672 BIC GKCCBEBB